PSS Blog
Based in Hervey Bay Qld with a globally reaching capability
How long Does it Really take to form a Habit – the 21day Myth?
Have you ever heard the phrase “it takes 21 days to form a new habit”? Have you ever wondered where it come from, or put it to the test and figured it wasn’t really true… maybe it took less time, more time or didn’t really turn into a habit? Maybe you want to go to...
Health & Well-Being
When was the last time you made one small change to your lifestyle to improve your health and wellbeing? Is your Health & Wellbeing important to you? Let us think about it this way…… if you were to fall sick, Ill, or suffer an injury, what would that prevent you...
Top Tips for your New Year Resolution!!
It is coming to the end of the year and a lot of people think about making a ‘New Year’s Resolution’ or setting a new ‘Goal’ for the new year ahead. Why is it that all of a sudden, for the ‘new year’, it is time to make a change now? If it was really important, then...
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